Remote, Dynamic Triggering of Earthquake & Slow Earthquake

Study on the triggering of small earthquakes, volcanic tremors, and slow earthquakes caused by the passage of seismic waves from distant large earthquakes. Such induced or triggered seismicity is often seen across Japan and these studies provide a better understanding of the mechanisms that cause earthquake occurrences.
Waveforms band-pass-filtered at 2-16 Hz (top of each) show triggering of non-volcanic tremor, which was correlated with the large arriving surface waves (lower) in western Shikoku. (Miyazawa et al., 2008)
Propagation of an earthquake triggering front from the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake (Miyazawa, 2011) / 2011年東北地方太平洋沖地震によって発生した地震波(表面波)は、日本列島の各地で地震を誘発しながら広がっていった。

Application of Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) to Seismology

地下に埋設されている光ファイバケーブルそのもののをセンサーとし、新たな地震観測を試みている。例えば50 km長の光ファイバーケーブルを一本使えば、5 m間隔で約1万点もの地震計を配置することと等価である。大規模記録の調査から、新たな地震学の在り方を模索する。

Distributed acoustic sensing (DAS), which enables a single optic fibre cable to function as multiple sensors, is a technique to measure the strain-rate distributed along the cable. This technique is applied to record the ground motions in western Japan using a 50 km-long optic fibre cable beneath a national road, every 5 m, corresponding to about 10,000 sensor deployments.